


Web3 Popular Science | What is Decentralization

What is Decentralization#

Decentralization typically refers to the dispersal of power, control, and decision-making from centralized institutions or organizations. In terms of value decentralization, it generally pursues equality, openness, and autonomy.

Let's consider the example of a ride-hailing platform. There is a group of passengers in need of transportation services, and there is a group of drivers willing to provide such services. In theory, these two groups can negotiate rules for matching and pricing, decide on evaluation and reward systems, and then execute according to the established rules and systems without the need for an intermediary platform. This way, the cost for passengers can be reduced, and the earnings for drivers can be increased.

Isn't it wonderful to think about?

Issues Brought by Decentralization#

Decentralization means that individuals need to take on more responsibility for the system while enjoying more rights. For example, for individuals, the risks of fraud and cyber attacks may increase, especially when it involves peer-to-peer interactions.

Taking the example above, because the centralized platform is eliminated, the responsible organization is also removed, and the security of drivers is to a large extent something we cannot guarantee. Therefore, individuals need to take on more responsibility and risks.

If decentralization only increases freedom but reduces security and usability, then it may only generate a net negative value and may not be worth it. In many aspects of reality, absolute decentralization cannot solve every problem. On the contrary, gradually increasing the level of decentralization through multiple small steps is more practical and beneficial. It is necessary to find a balance between centralization and decentralization.


Living in groups is our nature, and centralization is our nature. The development of decentralization and centralization complements each other. No matter how much decentralization grows and dominates the market, it is still just a part of the whole society. While decentralization is developing, centralization is also evolving and providing us with convenience. Ultimately, our society consists of both centralization and decentralization, and one cannot exist without the other.

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