


Web3 Popular Science | What is Decentralized Storage

If it encounters a scenario that requires storing large files, it is not suitable as it lacks the storage component. Because blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, etc., are mainly used for executing logic and are decentralized computing platforms, not designed for storing large amounts of data. When we need to store content such as images, audio, videos, etc., we need a storage solution suitable for big data.

For example, with NFTs, the best way is to store the underlying metadata and image data of NFTs in a decentralized storage network, record the corresponding storage identifier such as CID in the blockchain smart contract, and also host the frontend interacting with the smart contract in decentralized storage. This way, we can achieve a "completely" decentralized, unstoppable Web3 application.

Decentralized Storage#

Unlike traditional centralized storage servers operated by a single entity or organization, decentralized storage systems store data files on nodes distributed geographically connected through peer-to-peer (C2C) networks.

Using blockchain to maintain decentralized storage networks can ensure that data files are protected from errors, counterparty risks, and single point of failure, thereby enhancing storage security.

Projects like Filecoin, Arweave, QkFile, IPFS, etc., are some well-known decentralized storage projects.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.