


Web3 Popular Science | What are ZK-EVM and ZK-SNARK


When EVM was designed, it did not consider supporting zero-knowledge proofs, making it difficult to build a zero-knowledge virtual machine compatible with EVM. This is also the reason why early "ZK-rollup" lacked the ability to execute smart contracts. However, with advancements in research, it is now possible to encapsulate EVM computations within zero-knowledge proofs.

What is ZK-EVM#

"Zero-Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (ZK-EVM)" is a virtual machine that generates zero-knowledge proofs to verify program correctness. ZK-EVM is designed to execute smart contracts in a way that supports zero-knowledge technology.
Different ZK-EVM projects use different methods to combine EVM execution with zero-knowledge proof computation. Based on EVM equivalence, Vitalik Buterin categorizes ZK-EVM into 5 different types:

  • Perfectly compatible with Ethereum (Type 1)
  • Made minor changes to the Ethereum base layer without involving the application layer (Type 2)
  • Modified the GAS of certain operations in EVM (Type 2.5)
  • Made minor changes involving the application layer in the Ethereum base layer (Type 3)
  • High-level language equivalence, compiling applications written in high-level languages such as Solidity and Vyper into ZK-friendly languages (Type 4)

What is ZK-SNARK#

"ZK-SNARK" stands for Zero Knowledge Succinct Non-interactive Argument of Knowledge, which is a protocol for implementing zero-knowledge proofs. It allows one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that they possess certain information, such as a key or a solution to a mathematical problem, without revealing the actual information itself.
"Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZK-SNARK)" and "Zero-Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (ZK-EVM)" provide a complete solution for zk-rollup.

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